

Welcome to my blog. The main purpose for starting this blog is to talk about my son, Collin James, who was stillborn on July 1st, 2010. I know it can be an uncomfortable subject for some people, so those people who know me and want to know what happened, or whats going on with me, they can come here. Everyday is a different battle for me it seems, and writing helps. thank you for reading, and don't be afraid to comment if you are here!


Sunday, September 26, 2010


I finally started making baby blankets to take to the hospital... for other Mommy's of babies born sleeping. I recieved a blanket made by someone in the same situation, so I want to be able to help someone else going through this. It's so nice to have pictures of Collin with something other than the hospital blanket. And I will cherish that blanket forever.

My whole family sews, and I never really took to it. The last few years I've finally discovered the crafty side of me... although I'll never be my sister or my mother in that department. My sister taught me how to do a blanket stitch yesterday, and I was able to complete my first blanket last night, and I'm so excited about it. I'm keeping the first one for myself / Collin, I had planned on making him something originally before we found out he would be born sleeping. It's far from perfect, but it was made with love, and that's what counts. They'll get better as I go.

This will give me something to focus on when I'm feeling down. And I can't wait to have some to take to the hospital, and to know that I'm helping out another Mommy.

I'm in love with the print. I also got the girl version... pinks and purples instead of the blues and greens. I love it because of the moons and stars... since the babies are born "sleeping"... and I'm hoping the sunshines on the fabric remind the parents that the sun will rise again, even though they may not feel like it right then.

Collin with his hand-made blanket...

Everyday is another challenge, but I'm doing it. Not a day goes by that I don't think of and miss my perfect little allstar.


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